The Goodness in Green Chlorophyll

Winter cress leaves

Chlorophyll is something we take for granted but it’s abundant all around us giving plants their green colour. It is an essential component of photosynthesis allowing plants to absorb energy from light. Then when we eat green leaves we get the benefit of that energy and vitality and it’s the closest, freshest way to eat sunlight.  Isn’t that so amazing!

Did you know that blood and chlorophyll molecules are identical except that in the centre of a chlorophyll cell you’ll find magnesium while in our blood it’s iron (hence red blood).  We are closer to plants than we think!!  Chlorophyll helps cleanse all the cells of the body, fights infection, helps to build the immune system and replenish red blood cells, and detoxifies the liver and digestive system.  An impressive list!

This green liquid has many health benefits and the best way of enjoying them is to eat fresh green vegetables and leafy greens including wild edibles, then you’re consuming lots of chlorophyll, in its natural form just as Mother Nature intended it.

According to Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute, chlorophyll is also an


incredible antioxidant with some impressive therapeutic benefits such as wound healing and being used as a natural deodorant when consumed. That is why we’re told to eat parsley after eating garlic to disguise the smell on our breath. Chlorophyll also contains some unique detoxification and cancer fighting properties. Being fat soluble it is able to chemically bind to molecules known to cause cancer including aromatic hydrocarbons found in tobacco smoke.

Below is a list of the chlorophyll content of some foods to give you an idea of the wide variety that you can choose from:

Chlorophyll Content of Selected Raw Vegetables

Food (mg)
Cress, garden
Green beans
Sugar peas
Chinese cabbage
1 cup
½ cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup

In addition to chlorophyll, the  first 5 Green Superfoods are not only chlorophyll-dense, but also contains a plethora of other nutrients!

No fruit smoothie

Here’s a smoothie to try without fruit (you could still add fruit if you wish)
No Fruit Smoothie

2 T Chia 1 T Pumpkin, sunflower or almonds, pinch of Karengo fronds seaweed
Soak all of the above in 1 cup water
Make a pot of tea e.g. nettle & kawakawa. Allow to cool.
Handful of weeds/greens; a selection of e.g. magenta spreen, fat hen, speedwell, chickweed, nasturtium, parsley, dandelion, plantain, creeping mallow, violet, daikon radish tops, kale,  borage, or your own favorite combination.
Put the chia mix in the blender, add the greens and 2 cups of your tea.
Add 1/4 tsp powdered ginger or 2cm of fresh
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Half an avocado
6cm raw carrot, cut into pieces or some beetroot
Pinch of salt
For flavoring add vanilla essence, cinnamon, and/or mint leaves
Put blender on low speed to start with, then full speed to the desired smoothness.
Makes 4.5 cups (if you have smoothie left over keep it in the fridge for the next day)
