This was my Yacón crop I harvested in September! I left the plant for two years and couldn't believe how many tubers I dug up. The soil was incredibly friable and loose where they grew. I think it is a soil builder. I have divided the mother tubers into 5 new plants!
Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifoliusInulin are quite sweet containing inulin. Humans have no enzyme for dealing with inulin. Instead, it passes through our digestive tract without being metabolized, so it is good for people who are diabetic. And, as a consequence, yacon provides few calories and may have some potential as a low-calorie sweet diet food.
Yacón’s texture and flavor have been described as a cross between a fresh apple and watermelon and is sometimes referred to as the apple of the earth. The actual vegetable is called a “tuber,” which is a thick stem or root that grows underground, as does a potato. Yacon is very high in fiber and low in calories, making it a good healthy snack.