Winter Health Boosting Smoothie

Here’s a smoothie recipe for increasing your nutrition in winter

Winter Health Boosting Smoothie (The photo below shows the quantities of weeds I used)
(for a description of these weeds and their health giving properties go to my Blog

1 small handful of cleavers
4 violet leaves
1 handful of chickweed
3 or 4 stems of red dead nettle
1 small handful of bitter cress
1 big handful of bok choy, kale or silver beet
1 banana (peeled)
1 apple (washed and if organic whole without stalk, otherwise peeled)
1 mandarin (with peel if organic otherwise peel it)
1 or 2 kiwi fruit (peeled)
1 small avocado or 1/2 large 
2 cups water (or more if the blender is struggling)

Wash all the weeds and greens.
Place in the blender and chop up a bit with scissors
Add the water
Blend on low to begin with while the blender breaks the greens down, then turn it onto high speed until well blended.
Add the washed fruit and avocado
Blend again on low to begin with and once all integrated, turn up the speed and it will become creamy and smooth.


Winter Health Boosting Weeds




One Response to “Winter Health Boosting Smoothie”

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  1. Christine Pacaud says:

    Hi Julia

    It’s really awsome ! I am going to test your receipe :-)))))

    Kind regards,