Dear reader,
Happy New Year dear readers! I want to start by saying how much I appreciate all your support and kind words that you offer in feedback, when you buy my books, seeds, balms or cream, receive a newsletter or during workshops or in emails or when I meet up with you. It is what makes my work so meaningful!
My garden is flourishing with many wild edibles at the moment in different stages of growth. Some like Nipplewort Lapsana communis have gone to seed - I've posted photos below of its growth stages. It is a wild edible that changes so much from seedling to mature plant. Chickweed is dormant as it doesn't like hot, drying sun, (it still grows in moist shade), but Magenta spreen Chenopodium giganteum or tree spinach has self sown and grown all over my garden and is so pretty with its pink young leaves. There is also its cousin Fat hen or Lambs quarters Chenopodium album. I eat lots of these in summer. I also have Amaranth Amaranthus viridus and Galinsoga Galensoga parviflora. It is so wonderful having volunteer food grow in one's garden!
Workshops for 2020
Saturday 8th February Julia's garden in Greerton 10-2pm. Go here to register
Saturday 22nd February Kaye & Chris's garden Opotiki. Go here for more info or to register
Saturday 28th March Julia's garden. This is a Sustainable Backyard event Go here to register.
Special offer:
I need a ride to Opotiki to run the event. I'm offering a free workshop entry to the person who would like to attend and could give me a ride. We would stay a night before and or after with Kaye the hostess who also does Air B&B if that works for my driver. Contact me for more details 0274308471 or