Dear reader,

How did the year go so fast?  We're in December and it is summer with Christmas in three weeks!  This is the last newsletter for 2015. It has been an amazing year with my workshops where I've met so many wonderful people doing interesting things with their lives.  I have to thank all the wild edible weeds for making these connections to all my newsletter readers possible!!

This is such an abundant time of year with magenta spreen growing rapidly producing those pretty pink leaves (see the photo below), and the other annuals like amaranth, fat hen, galensoga, purslane all sprouting forth to nourish us.  This month I feature thistles - yes those prickly plants that are seen as a nuisance. But they are very nutritious and extremely alkalinizing for our bodies. Check out my blog here with a delicious thistle lemonade recipe.  

The final workshop for this year is happening on Saturday December 5th over in Raglan. There are still places if you'd like to attend or know anyone who would be interested.  To register go here

Several workshops are already planned for next year, which is very exciting.

Wakanui beach on February 14th - give yourself a valentine's treat and learn all about the wild edibles that grow around the Ashburton area in the South Island. Book here.
There will also be a workshop in Christchurch which is in the planning stage.

Saturday February 27th we'll have a second workshop at the Farmhouse Kitchen looking at autumn weeds and making some different things like a weed pesto and Setha, Roddy will teach us how to process seeds and Pauline will delight us with her culinary skills! Plans for this are underway so watch this space!

My friend Jane, of Teacher in the Paddock and I are off up to Kerikeri on April 2nd where we'll be offering two workshops at a the wonderful venue flourflower.  I will offer a weed workshop and Jane will do a workshop on fermented and nourishing foods, different from the workshops she and Kevin presented in November. Book for the Kerikeri weed workshop here.

For Sale:  NutriInfusion 700.  My Mum bought one and ended up with three so one is to go to a good home for $100 (what it cost), plus postage.  It holds 700ml in the 3 large tumblers, 300ml in the two small tumblers and besides the infusion blade it has a grinding blade, plus tumbler rings, a travel lid and solid lids. It has a limited one year warranty. My mother is very happy with hers.  So if anyone would like it, let me know

Finally, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Very Happy New Year!!  Roll on 2016!

Much health, happiness and rest to you all,



This is a photo of the presenter team of us at the Farmhouse Kitchen Sunday 29th November.  Pauline Karevaar made us a sumptuous lunch between my weed workshop in the morning and Setha's seed workshop in the afternoon.  We were supported by a wonderful team Roddy, John and Wilma who ensured the day ran very smoothly. Huge thanks to all the support team and to all you folk who attended!!


On the way  home from Hawkes Bay I picked some elderflower blossoms from shrubs near Reporoa. Elderflower was traditionally known as the “Country Folk’s Medicine Chest” because it was used for a variety of remedies. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is known to soothe the respiratory system and joints. You can make a tea of it or a cordial. Later in autumn the elderberries can be made into drinks or you can dry them.

The chickens have grown so much and are now fully feathered. Here you see them having their first dust bath with Lily the bantam mum showing them how it is done.

I love opium poppies to look and for the seeds. But they are a great nectar source for bees. There are six bees in this flower and I saw them on the buds ready to sip the nectar right as they open.


The magenta spreen is so lush and came up thick where I dropped the finished plants last autumn to put in the compost behind which is now planted with pumpkins.  I will harvest the magenta and dry for green powder after I've used some fresh.


Some beautiful red poppies to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and  wonderfully bright New Year!!